My wife and I have this running joke that we have to put on our uniforms when we are home in the evenings or on the weekend. My uniform typically consists of wearing one of about 3 different pairs of extremely comfortable (meaning not tight) khaki shorts, a dark blue t-shirt and if going out is required, my Addidas sliders. The flip flops with the thing in the middle of your toes doesn't work for me. I truly enjoy putting on my uniform. The shorts always feel great with big deep pockets and the t-shirts fit me just right. Occasionally I will wear short socks and running shoes, but even that is a bit much for me. Since moving to Florida about 10 years ago, I have discovered that this type of uniform can be worn year-round. Sometimes I am required to wear my long sleeve OU Sooner t-shirt, but only when its cool out.
Why on earth would I choose to tell you this. Well, I had the greatest opportunity last Friday night. I got to go with my wife to the House of Blues in Orlando and see a Third Day concert (Thanks Mimi and Papa!). Now, I listen to Third Day all of the time, but lately I have listened to the same CD over and over. But now, Third Day is giving their Chronology tour, which as you can imagine, is kind of like a greatest hits compilation. The concert was great. It was a praise and worship leader's dream worship service. Almost everyone in the house was standing up. Many were clapping their hands, swaying side to side and singing along with Mac (lead singer). It felt totally safe. No one was going to laugh at you or think you were hokey. No one was going to get into an argument or be rude to each other. Everyone was focused on hearing and experiencing the music. Everyone had love in their heart. Everyone was thinking in unison (at least I believe they were), "These guys are great, but even greater is their love for the Lord and their ability to move others to praise His name." It was, to say the least, very comfortable.
It was great to see my wife coming home and wanting to get out the older Third Day CD's that we have, so we could listen to the first songs that we loved so much. The songs that got us hooked on Third Day in the first place. You see there is no mistaking what Third Day is all about. Nearly every song is about either the life of Jesus, the message of love and eternal life that Jesus brought to us or the promise that the Holy Spirit will be with us for all of our days. Their songs are not politically correct or universal to all religions or easily masked as secular songs. There is no hiding with Third Day. They are in your face with God's love.
Psalm 145:14 (NLT) The Lord helps the fallen and lifts up those bent beneath their loads.
This is what my Bible commentary says "Sometimes our burdens seem more than we can bear, and we wonder how we can go on. David stands at this bleak intersection of life's road and meditates on the Lord, the great burden bearer. God is able to lift us up because (1) his greatness is beyond discovery;(2) he does mighty acts for each generation; (3) he is full of glorious splendor and majesty;(4)he does awe-inspiring deeds; (5) he is righteous;(6) he is kind, merciful, patient, loving and compassionate; (7) he rules over an everlasting Kingdom; (8) he is our source of all our daily needs; (9) he is righteous and kind in all his dealings; (10) he remains close to those who call on him; (11) he hears our cries and rescues us. If you are bending under a burden and feel that you are about to fall, turn to God for help. He is ready to lift you up and bear your burden. Praise takes our mind off our problems and shortcomings and helps us focus on God. Praise leads us from individual meditation to corporate worship. Praise causes us to consider and appreciate God's character. Praise lifts our perspective from the earthly to the heavenly."
Strange as it may seem, I think I could have only been made more comfortable at the concert if I had been wearing my khaki shorts and t-shirt. I truly experienced how wonderful it is to forget your worries, focus your thoughts and actions on praising God and share in the warmth of 2,200 people filled with the Holy Spirit. I kind of wondered if my face was glowing on the way home.
I caught a glimpse of Your splendor
In the corner of my eye
The most beautiful thing I've ever seen
And it was like a flash of lightning
Reflected off the sky
And I know I'll never be the same
Show me Your glory
Send down Your presence
I want to see Your face
Show me Your glory
Majesty shines about You
I can't go on without You, Lord
When I climb down the mountain
And get back to my life
I won't settle for ordinary things
I'm gonna follow You forever
And for all of my days
I won't rest 'til I see You again
Show me Your glory
Show me Your glory
I can't live without You
Show me Your Glory - Third Day
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