Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Well I have not had any response from John MacArthur concerning the email I sent him about women preaching.  I can't say that I am surprised.  I think the biggest thing I got out of it was getting to rationally defend something in which I firmly believe to be true.  So Mr. MacArthur, next time you read this blog....No hard feelings.

I'm sorry I must have been daydreaming.

Now I still think John MacArthur is a good guy.  I know that he didn't respond because he secretly agrees me, but he doesn't want to end up on some Christian radio talk show defending himself for contradicting something he has preached about for years. 

As a matter of fact, I recently heard John MacArthur speak about something very near and dear to my heart, Love.  John is doing a sermon series called the Greatest of These.  It is incredible.  It is hard to believe how much time one man can spend on one chapter of the Bible (1 Corinthians 13).   I believe there are 6 CD's of sermons in the series.  Well the other day I caught the sermon on 1 Corinthians 13:7.

1 Corinthians 13:7 - (Love) bears all thing, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  8a Love never fails;

I have heard that verse thousands of times, but yesterday I had them smooshed in my face for the very first time. 

Throughout the sermon series, John has talked about the importance of Love.  Yeah I know it is the greatest commandment.  We always hear that and we always try to get along with the people in front of us in the grocery store line or the clerk at the department store.  Whoopee.  Let's really think about it.  God's serious about love.  Considering the example he provided for us.  Sending his Son to the earth in human form to show us how to live our lives and then watching his Son be tortured and crucified to die for our sins on the cross.  All in the name of love.  Its time we get serious about love.

So this verse, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Never fails.  What does it really mean.  Well John MacArthur says that these days we are too cyncical.  We find it too easy to doubt the ability of those who are lost to find their way.  We assume that the kid who goes out and does something stupid is just going to do it again next time.  We assume that the guy who continues to screw up is just going to keep on screwing up and he will never figure it out.  We assume that the cheater is always going to cheat, the liar is always going to lie, the abuser is always going to abuse.  You know I don't really blame us.  I mean I am numero uno at making these assumptions.  After all, I have my superior intellect and incredible ability to predict the future.  In fact, I don't tell many people this, especially not my wife, but I can actually read minds.  Amazing isn't it.  I rock.

Paul (you know, used to be Saul) says, that's not love.  If you are making these assumptions and giving up on these people you don't really love them.  Well that's fine and dandy if we are talking about some "loser" across the street or the outcast at work or school or church.  I think we are actually OK with being told we don't love those people.  Paul is not and neither is Jesus.  We all are aware that we need to get better at this.  I mean isn't that what he is talking about???

Well, Paul takes a little bit further.  When we continually believe that someone close to us is going to keep screwing up and we give up on them.  We are not really loving them.  Yeah, see, it doesnt' sound so OK when we are talking about family members or best friends.  Paul says we must "bear all things."  Basically it means, sweeping the mistakes and screwups and sins under the rug.  Isn't that what Jesus did for us.  Now that isn't easy to do, but Paul says if we aren't doing this then we really aren't showing love to the person.   
"Believes all things."  John MacArthur says that despite how many times we have been let down by someone, we have to believe that they are going to turn things around.  Believe that they will get it right next time.  Believe that they will stop their hurtful behavior.  Believe that they will figure out that they are hurting others with their behavior.  What an amazing sign of love it is to continue to believe in someone.  To continue to believe that they have what it takes to make things right.  To believe that things will all work out in the end. 
"Hopes all things."  So we keep believing and believing and they keeping letting us down over and over.  So now we just have to hope that it will work out.  Hope that this person can do the right thing, one day.  We have to have hope that God can fix this person.  Love continues to have hope.
"Endures all things."  This one really gets me.  John MacArthur says that the word Pauls used for endure was a military term meaning positioned in the middle of a batttle in a very violent opposition.  Love keeps fighting.  Love hangs in there and doesn't give up.  Because Love Never Fails.

I am first on the list of people guilty of giving up on people.  Not necessarily the ones closest to me, but definitely people in my life whether they be family members, co-workers, friends.  It has to stop.  Preconceived notions must become a thing of the past.  Stereotypes are no longer allowed.  Judging is not an option. 

So you have heard me say it.  I am going to ask God to help me overcome my inability to love like I should. 

OK so now I can stop writing.  I can never stop writing.

The title of my blog today is "+ HOPE."  I thought that would be a cute way to say Positive Hope.  You know you can hope that someone doesn't screw up, but I think it would be much better if we hoped that the person would make a change for the better.  We could hope that he wasn't going to lie to me today or we could hope he is going to understand the importance of being truthful and start being honest with me.

I honestly believe it makes a difference, having Hope and being positive. 

Ok I am not entirely sure how this fits in, but this morning as I was thinking about how terrible I am at thinking positive about others and having hope for those who continue to let me down.  I was listening to Third Day. I love Third Day, but I have found some new CD's that I like to listen to, but I have lent them out and today I am listening to an older Third Day CD.  The song is "Thief 2006."  Well, it is normally just Thief, but they added some cool stuff at the beginning and called it Thief 2006. It's still Thief.  And you can imagine who the thief is. The thief talks about how he has continually made a mess of his life.  He has stolen, killed and now he is being crucified for something and he doesn't even remember what it is.  The thief sees Jesus coming up the hill.  He sees how awful people are to Him and he seems to know that that don't believe Jesus is who he says he is.  But the thief recognizes that Jesus offers hope.  Hope for a better life.  Hope for mercy.  Here is the best part of the song:

Jesus when You are in Your kingdom
Could you please remember me
and He looks at me still holding on
the tears fall from His eyes
He says I tell the truth
Today, you will live with Me in paradise
and I know that my time is coming soon
and I know paradise is coming soon.

The soul of a thief and a murderer in his final breaths before dying believes in the Hope Jesus offers and receives His mercy.  Now that is Love.  "Oh, excuse me, you dying guy over there.  Ooh look out they are going to stab you in the side.  By the way, do you think you could remember me when you get to Your Kingdom."  In His dying breaths he shows love to one that deserved none, as far as the world is concerned.

Lord, thank you for continuing to show me Your love.  Forgive me for not having loved others.

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